Desperately seeking the best antidote for the oral pain of capsaicin? Thanks to Justin Gaiser and John Hayes, the answer is right in the title of their recent Journal of Food Science publication: "Fat, protein, and temperature each contribute to reductions in capsaicin oral burn". After the oral distress subsides, readers can read about the study. Each evaluation began with assessors swishing a water-capsaicin solution in the mouth for 10 seconds, expectorating, waiting 10 seconds, swishing a palate cleanser in the mouth for 10 seconds, expectorating, then tracking oral burn for a further 90 seconds. Assessors indicated oral pain continuously on a general labelled magnitude scale for the full duration using the time-intensity method. Palate cleansers (warm water, cold water, high-protein yogurt, mango Italian ice, mango lassi, and vanilla ice cream) were selected to investigate the factors mentioned in the title. Lassi and ice cream had the trifecta (fat, protein, cold) and soothed the most pain. Burning to read this and other publications from members of the Compusense Academic Consortium? The antidote is here.
Title : Fat, protein, and temperature each contribute to reductions in capsaicin oral burn
Authors : Justin Gaiser, John E. Hayes
Link : Fat, protein, and temperature each contribute to reductions in capsaicin oral burn
Title : Impacts of hearing loss on social dining: Perceptions and acceptance of food and eating environments, and engagements
Authors : Sara E. Jarma Arroyo, Rachel Glade, Han-Seok Seo
Title : Sugar Replacement in Chocolate-Flavored Milk: Differences in Consumer Segments’ Liking of Sweetener Systems Relate to Temporal Perception
Authors : Glenn Birksø Hjorth Andersen, Caroline Laura Dam Christensen, John C. Castura, Niki Alexi, Derek V. Byrne, Ulla Kidmose
Title : Comparative analysis of sensory, textural, microstructural, amino acids and protein digestibility properties of animal and alternative meat products in the Asian market
Authors : Grace Cui Fang Ng, Michelle Jie Ying Choy, Vicki Wei Kee Tan, Alicia Hui Peng Theng, Felicia Siew Kay Ng, Dayna Shu Min Ong, Kian Siang Ong, Pei Ying Lim, Mufeeda Madathummal, Pik Han Chong, Jie Hong Chiang
Title : Consumers’ sensory perception and emotional response towards animal and plant-based soups (familiar food items) with the addition of shio-koji (an unfamiliar ingredient)
Authors : Emily Dolan, Laura Baxter, Rachel Moss, Matthew B. McSweeney
Title : Cultural differences in wine conceptualization among consumers in France, Portugal and South Africa
Authors : Samantha Fairbairn, Jeanne Brand, Antonio Silva Ferreira, Dominique Valentin & Florian Bauer
Link : Cultural differences in wine conceptualization among consumers in France, Portugal and South Africa
Title : An investigation into the sensory properties of luffa (Luffa cylindrica (L.)) seeds and a comparison to other seeds (flax, sunflower, chia, and hemp)
Authors : Allison Stright, Laura Baxter, Emily Dolan, Kaitlyn Frampton, Erin Richelle, Christopher Ritchie, Rachael Moss, Matthew B. McSweeney
Title : Utilization of cheddar cheese into mozzarella cheese towards a better pizza experience as evident from textural, sensory and consumer research parameters
Authors : Shubham Chaturvedi, Naveen Kumar, Simran Kaur Arora
Title : The relative importance of postharvest eating quality and sustainability attributes for apple fruit: A case study using new sensory–consumer approaches
Authors : F. Roger Harker, Christina M. Roigard, Anne E. Colonna, David Jin, Grace Ryan, Sok L. Chheang, Duncan I. Hedderley, Paul Dalziel
Title : The multi-modal sensory effect on sour taste perception during oral processing of starch-thickened fluids
Authors : Ye Chen, Jianshe Chen, Xinmiao Wang
Title : Plant-based products as a more sustainable source of protein: Exploring physico-chemical and sensory properties and consumer response
Authors : Djemaa Moussaoui
Title : Role of bolus properties in dynamic texture perception of meat analogue and beef patties: Juiciness is driven by serum release during early stages of mastication
Authors : Yifan Zhang, Guido Sala, Elke Scholten, Markus Stieger
Title : Quality Characteristics of Piquette: A Potential Use of Grape Pomace
Authors : Aude A. Watrelot, James Hollis
Link : Quality Characteristics of Piquette: A Potential Use of Grape Pomace
Title : Effect of Sequential Inoculation with Pichia kluyveri on Fermentation Kinetics, Chemical Composition, and Sensory Attributes of Varietal Wines
Authors : Nalle, Andrew Henderlong
Title : Factors underlying mothers’ decision to offer ultra-processed meals during early childhood
Authors : Leticia Vidal, Lucía Antúnez, Gastón Ares, Vanessa Gugliucci, Agustina Vitola, Alejandra Girona
Link : Factors underlying mothers’ decision to offer ultra-processed meals during early childhood
Title : Beef production, physicochemical quality, oxidative shelf-life, fatty acid profile and sensory effects of replacing sorghum for maize in finisher diets
Authors : Yonela Z. Njisane, Farouk Semwogerere, Jeannine Marais, Bongani K. Ndimba, Cletos Mapiye
Title : Sensory Quality of Cheddar Cheese Made With Bulk Starter and Direct to Vat Starter Culture
Authors : James Musetti
Link : Sensory Quality of Cheddar Cheese Made With Bulk Starter and Direct to Vat Starter Culture
Title : Use of distinct projective techniques in investigating participants' perception of a clean label dairy product: A study on the presence of additives/stabilizers in Ultra high temperature processing milk's label in Brazil
Authors : Natália Emmerick de Alcântara, Elson Rogério Tavares Filho, Tatiana Colombo Pimentel, Mônica Marques Pagani, Eliane Teixeira Mársico, Adriano Gomes da Cruz, Erick Almeida Esmerino
Title : Consumer perception of risk towards new sustainable non-thermal food processing technologies: A cross-cultural study between Portugal, Germany, and the UK
Authors : Aline Silva, Célia Rocha, José Carlos Ribeiro, Kemal Aganovic, Rui C. Lima, Lisa Methven, Luís M. Cunha