How does one go about gathering food opinions from preadolescents? 🤔 A just-accepted Food Quality and Preference manuscript proposes an answer: emojis. 😃 So, for March 2022, we highlight this paper, titled “Development of an emoji-based self-report measurement tool to measure emotions elicited by foods in preadolescents” [] by Sick and colleagues at the University of Florence. 🎆 Now, maybe you’re thinking, isn’t the meaning of an emoji a bit slippery? ⛸🦑🥿😵 To answer at that, the authors ran 5 studies where they sought to understand the meanings of emoji pairs (yes, pairs) amongst preadolescents. What do we discover? 🤩🥳 is enthusiastic and festive, 😱😨 is scared and worried, 😞😐 is indifferent and calm, and so on. The various emoji pairs then get incorporated into two tools, the CATA Emoji Pair Questionnaire and the Emoji Pair Rating Scale, that can be used in future studies. 🔮 Congrats to these authors and to all members of Compusense’s Academic Consortium who published peer-reviewed publications in March which can be found below. 🙌🥳🎉
Title : Development of an emoji-based self-report measurement tool to measure emotions elicited by foods in preadolescents
Authors : Julia Sick, Erminio Monteleone, Caterina Dinnella, Lapo Pierguidi, Sara Spinelli
Link :
Title : Searching for individual multi-sensory fingerprints and their links with adiposity – New insights from meta-analyses and empirical data
Authors : Rachel Ginieis, Sashie Abeywickrema, Indrawati Oey, Russel S.J. Keast, Mei Peng
Link :
Title : Cupuassu from bean to bar: Sensory and hedonic characterization of a chocolate-like product
Authors : Simone de Nazaré Melo Ramos, Juliana weltman Glezer, Aline de Oliveira Garcia, Jorge Herman Behrens, Priscilla Efraim
Link :
Title : Food Pleasure Profiles—An Exploratory Case Study of the Relation between Drivers of Food Pleasure and Lifestyle and Personality Traits in a Danish Consumer Segment
Authors : Nikoline Bach Hyldelund, Derek Victor Byrne, Barbara Vad Andersen
Title : Olfactory and Gustatory Supra-Threshold Sensitivities Are Linked to Ad Libitum Snack Choice
Authors : Sashie Abeywickrema, Rachel Ginieis, Indrawati Oey, Mei Peng
Title : Effect of in-the-bag dry-ageing on meat palatability and volatile compounds of cull cows and youthful steers
Authors : W.Barragán-Hernández, P.L.A. Leighton, O. López-Campos, J. Segura, J.L. Aalhus, N. Prieto
Link :
Title : Effect of wheat gluten addition on the texture, surface tackiness, protein structure, and sensory properties of frozen cooked noodles
Authors : Yuan-Hui Wang, Ya-Ru Zhang, Yue-Ying Yang, Jin-Qi Shen, Qiu-Mei Zhang, Guo-Zhi Zhang
Link :
Title : Physical and sensory properties of lemon-flavored acidic beverages formulated with nonfat dry milk during storage
Authors : Nan Li, Inseob Choi, Jennifer Vuia-Riser, Brandon Carter, MaryAnne Drake, Qixin Zhong
Link :
Title : Texture and flavor evaluation of peanut butter stabilized with natural waxes
Authors : Jill K. Winkler-Moser, Julie A. Anderson, Hong-Sik Hwang
Link :
Title : Converting Apple Textural Parameters Obtained from Penetrometers and Their Relationships with Sensory Attributes
Authors : Masoumeh Bejaei
Title : Emerging Pattern of Post-COVID-19 Parosmia and Its Effect on Food Perception
Authors : Jane K. Parker, Lisa Methven, Robert Pellegrino, Barry C. Smith, Simon Gane, Christine E. Kelly
Title : Identification of Non-Volatile Compounds Generated during Storage That Impact Flavor Stability of Ready-to-Drink Coffee
Authors : Hao Lin, Edisson Tello, Christopher T. Simons, Devin G. Peterson