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News and Events

Stay in the know about upcoming sensory conferences and events, our latest research initiatives, and other exciting announcements.

The Compusense team is preparing for two of the biggest conferences in the Sensory Community The Institute of Food Technologists IFT Meeting July 11 to 14 in Chicago Illinois and the Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium in Gothenburg Sweden August 23 to 27 Compusense has a long history and commitment of

Compusense is featured in today 8217 s National Post covering the value of sensory research in understanding consumers The Canadian firm that tells Fortune 500 foodmakers how to tantalize our taste buds GUELPH Ont 8211 Inside a low rise commercial building off the main highway in Guelph Ont two men

Notice something a little different We thought you might As you can probably already tell Compusense com has a brand new look Our new site was designed with usability and accessibility at the top of our priority list So whether you 8217 re accessing from your laptop iPad smart phone



Quality test methods are used to evaluate a product based on its sensory attributes and overall consumer perception to ensure it meets certain standards of excellence and consistency. These methods provide a consumer-centric assessment of product quality, ensure consistency and adherence to quality standards and drive continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Examples include, but are not limited to, Shelf Life, Degree of Difference,

Difference from Control, In/Out, etc.

Quality test methods are used to evaluate a product based on its key attributes to ensure it meets specific standards of excellence for consistency. These methods provide an internal assessment of the product quality to adhere to quality standards and achieve customer satisfaction. Examples include, but are not limited to, Shelf-Life, Degree of Difference, Difference from Control, and In & Out methods.